Thursday, August 11, 2011


Everyone has a very private, very valued collection of albums that make up their experience as people. Each album is cherished and memorized and each represents a different moment of growth. These albums don't come along very often, and when they do its hard to foresee the power their presence will have. I just learned about Glasser (where have I been?) and upon listening to the first notes of their album Ring I knew I had another to add to my arsenal. The connection was immediate and I've been listening nonstop all week.

A week which, by the way, has been shit. My frustration is rising, my patience wearing thin and my jaw sore from stress induced grinding. Glasser could not have come at a better time. If there are two things I'm a sucker for its tribal beats and lady singers wailing out their cosmic pain (see White Hinterland or Niki and the Dove). And Ring is filled to the brim. I listen and I feel brave. I get chills and I feel stronger. Hell yes.

apologeez for the low quality

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